ICE 2015, Bilbao

The Spanish Quantum Information conference “Espainako Informazio Kuantikoa – Información Cuántica en España” (ICE-2 or ICE2015) takes place in Bilbao from June 1st to June 3rd, 2015. Do not miss it! More information here

Symposium on Quantum Information – Bienal RSEF 2015

The biannual meeting of the Spanish Royal Physical Society will take place in Gijón, hosting, as usual, a two-day symposium on Quantum Information and affine topics, as well as a symposium on Quantum Optics. The list of symposia, as well as the procedure for submitting abstracts is open at

Molecular materials for quantum computing

Members of the RICE network organize a Symposium on “Molecular Materials for Quantum Computing” within the anual meeting of the European Research Materials Society (E-MRS). The 2015 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit will be held in Warsaw University of Technology, from September 15 to 18 (Tuesday-Friday).  The conference will include 23 parallel symposia, one plenary…

Matrix Product States crash course

On the week of the 9th to the 13th of February, the QUINFOG group will impart a series of intensive lectures on practical and theoretical aspects of Matrix product states. The lectures, which are open to anyone who is interested, intend to be practical, using C/C++ as programming language. However, the goal is not to teach people…