The Quantum Technologies community in Spain

What follows is a summary of the results from a poll on the community of quantum technologies in Spain, which covers all of the groups in the RICE network, as well as other groups who did not feel completely identified with our network denomination, but have a strong scientific overlap. The poll is limited in…

Posiciones postdoctorales Comunidad de Madrid

La Comunidad de Madrid ha aprobado la convocatoria “Atracción de Talento”. Esta convocatoria permitirá la incorporación de unos 80 doctores-investigadores que trabajen fuera de España a grupos de investigación de organismos e instituciones de la Comunidad de Madrid como Universidades, IMDEAs, organismos y centros de investigación o instituciones sanitarias.Se convocarán tres tipos de ayudas. La…

Summer undergrad fellowships (IFISC)

Call for Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (SURF-IFISC). We offer up to 6 fellowships for introduction to academic research at the  Institute for Cross-disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC) under the supervision of an IFISC researche, for research work to be developed between June 15 and July…

Space-time and entanglement

Whenever two very different areas of theoretical physics are found to be described by the same mathematical structures, it frequently leads to discover unexpected insights on both sides. This brief overview tries to explain why physicists in the areas of quantum gravity and string theory, especially those interested in the quantum structure of space-time are…

“Nanotechnology meets Quantum Information” summer school

We would like to bring to your attention the school “Nanotechnology meets Quantum Information”, that will take place in San Sebastian, Spain in July 11-14, 2016. The school reviews the state-of-the-art of solid-state based quantum information processing in settings such as quantum dots, superconductors, photonic crystals, and topological matter. Prospects of quantum computing and the…

Postdoctoral position

Javier Prior’s group at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) has one postdoctoral vacancy for two years in the field of Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems. The project will be related with the new topic of quantum biological systems and the study of artificial photovoltaic material as conjugated polymers.The appointment will be made within the…

Quantum Information School and Conference 2016

Dear all, we are pleased to announce the first RICE School New trends in Quantum Information (11-12 April 2016) and the conference Quantum Information in Spain ICE-3 (13-15 April 2016), both of which will take place at IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Mallorca (Spain) This conference is part of a series of itinerant events aiming to be a reference for the…

Open PhD position in Quantum Cryptography

The group of Optical Communications at the University of Vigo (Spain) is looking for a PhD student in the area of quantum cryptography. The aim of the PhD project is to develop new high-rate quantum key distribution protocols and explore their robustness against side-channel attacks. Requirements: A Master’s degree in physics, mathematics, or engineering Candidates…

Un Lego cuántico y relativista

por Carlos Sabín, IFF-CSIC ¿Qué falta por hacer en el campo de la física teórica? Hace ya un siglo que el ser humano fue capaz de alcanzar dos grandes cimas de pensamiento: por un lado, la teoría de la relatividad especial y general; por otro, la mecánica cuántica. Por separado, así como combinadas en la…