Student Research Fellowships 2024

The Catalonia Quantum Academy (CQA) is a collaborative platform under Quantica Mediterranean Valley of Quantum Science and Technologies, established to coordinate efforts to leverage the region’s internationally recognized expertise to strengthen education, training and professional development in Quantum Science and Technology (QST). The Catalonia Quantum Academy is offering up to 8 Student Research Fellowships for Master’s students s enrolled…

Simposios de tecnologías cuánticas e información cuántica

Miembros de la Red Española de Información Cuántica y Tecnologías Cuánticas co-organizan dos simposios en la  Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física en San Sebastián, que tendrá lugar del 15 al 19 de julio de 2024 ( – Simposio Información Cuántica (miércoles 17 julio) – Desarrollos en computación cuántica (experimental y teórica) y en teoría de la…

Online seminar #19: Photon antibuching measurement using CdSe/ZnS quantum dots as single-emitters

Lidia Lozano Martín (ICCUB) Is it possible to develop an efficient solid-state emitter of single and entangled photons suitable for space to ground communications among other quantum applications? Present single-photon and entangled-photons emitters exhibit important challenges, limiting their use in quantum applications like secure communication based on quantum key distribution (QKD), quantum metrology and sensing.…