Online seminar #17: The device-independent scenario: quantum information processing based on Bell theorem

Antonio Acín (ICFO) Bell’s theorem proves the existence of quantum correlations, often known as Bell nonlocal, that cannot be described by classical theories, in which measurement outcomes are predetermined. In recent years, Bell nonlocal correlations have also acquired the status of information resource, as they are crucial for the construction of quantum information protocols in…

Online seminar #15: Quasiparticle focusing of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in gapped superconductors

Mateo Uldemonlins (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS) A magnetic impurity on a conventional superconductor is one of the most simple pair-breaking defects that induces in-gap Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) bound states. Predicted soon after the publication of the BCS theory for superconductivity, they now enjoy a renewed wave of interest thanks to the advancements in atomic functionalization and local…

Online seminar #14: Magnetism in the 2D limit

Dorye L. Esteras (ICMol) The exfoliation of graphene down to the monolayer limit opened a new field of science based on infinitely thin materials. Encouraged by these findings, several efforts have been made in order to bring magnetism into the 2-dimensional (2D) limit. Despite the predictions of Mermin-Wagner theorem, these systems have magnetic order under…

Online seminar #11: QML for optimization via variational algorithms & coordinate transformations

Pablo Bermejo (DIPC-Multiverse Computing) We are currently experiencing the era of NISQ (Noise Intermediate Scale Quantum) devices. This means that there is still an uncertain near-term future for fields such as quantum computing, which completely relies on quantum hardware that is not yet capable of delivering the required performance to achieve game-changer applications. In spite…

Online Seminar #10: Variational waveguide-QED quantum simulators

Cristián Tabares (CSIC-IFF) Quantum computers and simulators are expected to provide new ways to study the properties ofcomplex quantum circuits. Since they are still prone to errors in the calculations, Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) have emerged as a possible practical way to exploit current state-of-the-art quantum devices. These algorithms propose using a classical optimizer to…

Online Seminar #9: Spin qubits in quantum dots

Virginia N. Ciriano Tejel (Quantum motion) Silicon has become one of the leading platforms for quantum computation, having demonstrated qubits with long coherence times and high fidelity operations. Moreover, the similarities between silicon quantum dots and transistors give hope for mass production of qubits easily integrable with control electronics.  This seminar will go over the…

Online Seminar #8: Benchmarking the role of particle statistics in quantum reservoir computing

Guillem Llodrà (IFISC UIB-CSIC) Quantum reservoir computing is a neuro-inspired machine learning approach harnessingthe rich dynamics of quantum systems to solve temporal tasks. It has gathered attentionfor its suitability for NISQ devices, for easy and fast trainability, and for potentialquantum advantage. Although several types of systems have been proposed as quantumreservoirs, differences arising from particle…