Online seminar #1: Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for Bayesian network structure learning

Vicente P. Soloviev (UPM) Bayesian network structure learning is an NP-hard problem that has been faced by anumber of traditional approaches in recent decades. In this work, a specific type ofvariational quantum algorithm, the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, wasused to solve the Bayesian network structure learning problem. Our results showed thatthe quantum approximate optimization algorithm…

Postdoctoral position on superconducting qubits

The Quantum Computing Technology group at IFAE (Barcelona) is offering a postdoctoral position on superconducting qubit research. This position is joint between IFAE and the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC). The project involves experimental techniques aiming to improve superconducting qubit quality by combining nanofabrication and noise filtering techniques. The project will look at improving…